Hey Jason, great to catch up with you. First off, tell us what drew you to Front Seat Chronicles?
I work as an advertising creative director, who like most “advertising creatives” began as a struggling comedian, screenwriter, novelist, [insert dream job here]… and fell into writing commercials as way to maintain that sort of outlet while at the same time, paying the bills. That being said, it isn’t often that I get to use my “powers” for good and when the producers approached me with the opportunity to contribute I couldn’t say, “no.” Given everything that’s out there it’s refreshing to work with people who not only have something meaningful to say, but are using a camera and internet connection for a cause other than self amusement — one that has the power to influence and transform lives.
What was it about this particular topic that you felt was important to share?
I have a friend who served in Iraq from ’02 – ’05. His convoy was struck by an IED and he was blown out of the back hatch of a Stryker vehicle. Most people aren’t aware that soldiers keep the hatches open for precisely that reason. If the hatches are closed, the concussive waves that ricochet within become so strong that they can literally liquefy organs. Keeping the hatch open acts as a release valve to at least give occupants a chance at walking away; which thankfully he did. Though he does suffer from occasional bouts with debilitating migraines. The one thing that really sticks with me though is that he had become so vigilant when in the marketplaces or on the roads that he had a really hard time adjusting to crowds and traffic when he came home — and “home” is NYC of all places. I chose to write about it because it’s a subject rarely touched upon outside of journalism and I felt it needed to be addressed in more than one format.
Tell us about the love story angle, how did that come about?
As for the love story, I don’t have intimate experience with that specific angle other than pulling from the insights that come with being a husband and father; though I’ve read many articles about military couples having to deal with a great range of similar issues upon a loved one’s return from war.
Anything new you’re working on that we can look forward to?
I’ve been throwing around a few ideas for another episode but have been pushing 18 hour days in preparation for a new business pitch (again, gotta pay the bills). Hoping to write a new episode as soon as I can though.
Thanks so much for your time Jason.
No thanks needed. It’s been a fantastic process and a privilege to be a part of it.
Dig it.