A father confronts his daughter on her views around homosexuality.
In our third season of Front Seat Chronicles we are looking at a number of issues that cut across the cultural landscape. Up first is the topic of Marriage Equality for same-sex couples.
In this first episode, a protective father questions his daughter on the public display of affection by two gay teen classmates.
Written by Josh Feinman, co-directed Josh and Allen L. Sowelle. This episode features Howard Dell and Jenai Beal-Permal.
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What an excellent portrayal of generational viewpoints. Josh – Congrats on wearing so many hats for this timely piece. Keep up the great work!
Great subject matter. Well written and skillfully acted…really enjoyed this one!
Great topic! Great series. Great acting
Wow, nice job Josh! Looks really good! Well done!
Right back atcha…
Thanks Mom…
This. Was so thoughtful really liked it